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ITUC Condemns Terrorist Attack on Moscow Concert Venue
МКП решительно осуждает теракт 22 марта
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) expresses its strongest condemnation of the heinous attack at a concert venue near Moscow on 22 March, which resulted in the tragic loss of at least 115 lives, with many more wounded.
This act of terrorism, involving gunmen and an incendiary device, caused unspeakable tragedy, affecting hundreds of innocent civilians, including workers and families gathered for an evening of music.

“Hundreds of lives have been destroyed by this appalling act. We extend our deepest condolences to the families of those killed and to all those who have been injured in this senseless attack. We denounce in the strongest terms those behind this atrocity and urge that they be apprehended and held accountable.” said ITUC General Secretary Luc Triangle.

The ITUC stands in solidarity with its affiliate in Russia, the Confederation of Labour of Russia (KTR), and its members during this incredibly difficult time.
News from LabourStart
References: trade unions and the sphere of labor